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Track B: Qualitative/Quantitative Security Analyses and Integration

This track extends the theory of quantitative secrecy analysis in [25] to the linear/affine typed $\pi $-calculus. Concurrently we extend the qualitative secrecy analysis in [45,41,46,75,68] to the enriched linear/affine $\pi $-calculus from Track A. Concretely:

(a) Quantitative Secrecy Analysis.
We first extend the semantics of the $\pi $-calculus using probabilistic transition systems along the line of [25]. This is then instantiated syntactically, resulting in the probabilistic typed $\pi $-calculus. The interplay between probability and sophisticated typing is the main technical challenge of this part. Once a consistent calculus is developed, we develop a theory of secrecy on the basis of [25], which may possibly assisted by the idea of flow inference in [46]. Once a semantic basis is clearly understood, we develop a syntactic, compositional method for qualitative secrecy, and reflect it onto programming languages of sufficient complexity.

(b) Qualitative Secrecy Analysis.
We extend the secrecy analyses in [45,41,46,75,68] to the enriched typed $\pi $-calculus from Track A in two steps. First, we develop flow inference systems as well as their semantic basis following [46]. This leads to a clear understanding of information flows in the enriched type structure, as shown in [46]. Second, based on the insights obtained, we enrich the secrecy typing in [45] for accommodating the new type structure. Finally we check that the resulting typing is consistent with the flow inference in [46], leading to non-interference.

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Igor Siveroni 2004-08-16