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Track A: The Typed $\pi $-Calculus

This track extends the linear/affine typed $\pi $-calculus so that it can faithfully represent major classes of language constructs, building on our preceding work [12,72]. The results serve as a mathematical basis of the present project, and is obtained via the following three steps.

  1. Identification of the type structure and typing rules for that language class (say sequential imperative computation).

  2. Encoding of some programming languages belonging to that class into the calculus, establishing well-typedness.

  3. Establishment of equational full abstraction of the embedding, showing equations over programs in the source language coincides with those over the encoding in the calculus. One of the key arguments is so-called definability, which establishes a tight correspondence between the object language and the co-domain of its embedding.

These steps have already been applied to the basic linear/affine $\pi $-calculus [12,72,45,,,75], which will now be extended to a wider class of computational behaviours encompassing, for example, a major part of Java.

Igor Siveroni 2004-08-16