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Topics to be investigated include:
- Resource Consumption: Here we aim to develop methods for describing and
analysing how resources are used in computational processes. For example in
long-run averages: determination of average resource consumption, or
worst case scenarios. We have recently started work on an analysis of
the heap utilisation in JVM programs. We are considering a small subset of
the JVM extended with an input command. We assume some knowledge of the
distributions of possible input values. We work from a SOS-style semantics
for JVM where transitions are labelled with information about heap
utilisation (cf [46]). Our intention is to use probabilistic
abstract interpretation to approximate computations and gather information
about average heap utilisation. This provides an interesting contrast with
classical analyses where the emphasis is normally on worst-case behaviour.
- Resource Coordination: i.e. cooperative and competitive resource sharing
in distributed systems. As illustrated in the examples presented before in
Section 1, quantitative resources have an influence not
only on the quantitative behaviour of a computational process (e.g.
with more memory the process might run faster) but also on the qualitative behaviour (in the examples above: termination). In other
words, it is necessary to understand and analyse the coordination of
distributed and parallel processes not just in the traditional qualitative
setting (e.g. signal exchange and synchronisation) but via analysing their
dependency on resources. This is of course strongly related to security
issues (which will be studied under the heading ``Distributed Security'').
- Information Costing and Optimisation: We argued that information
is an important quantitative resource. Besides a quantitative description of
information flow (in the sense of Shannon's theory), and a quantitative
analysis of programs with respect to the resource information, we will also
look at the problem of optimising information flow. This research has two
different aspects to it: (i) Mainly in a security context we are interested
in developing methods (e.g. program transformation techniques) which minimise the leaked amount of information. This also can to be put into
relation with the average or worst damage some leaked information can
cause, which leads to a kind of analysis typical in insurance mathematics;
(ii) in a general context we are also interested in maximising the
information flow: For example in a Grid-based context with certain fees
levied by service providers it is economically essential to ``get the most
out of the provider''. Obviously, any cost optimisation has to be based on a
formal quantitative analysis of the situation. Initial ideas in this
direction can be found in our work on Approximate Confinement [27]
where one of the problems was to construct a ``most effective spy'', i.e. a
process which is able to extract a maximum amount of information about (the
identity) of some unknown processes.
Next: Diagramatic Workplan
Up: Programme and Methodology
Previous: Security
Igor Siveroni