Next: The Typed -Calculus and
Up: Background
Previous: Program Analysis
While these and other ongoing research activities are rapidly
advancing the applicability of PA technologies to real software, the
existing framework alone may not be able to meet the needs for safety
in modern computing. As an illustration, let us return to the initial
example: a company wishes to distribute an application for which there
are crucial safety properties to be ensured, such as proper execution
of authentication and secrecy/confidentiality of information. As
already mentioned, in order to ensure such properties in earnest, the
analysis should cover a wide variety of behaviours. For example,
suppose the software includes an instant messaging service to be done
with another peer in Internet: the correctness relies on not only the
sequential part of the software but also interaction among distributed
components. Moreover, as is increasingly found in practice,
distributed components may be written in multiple languages, whose
behaviour as a whole should be taken into account for ensuring safety.
Such a situation poses fundamental challenges to the well-established
PA techniques, as we summarise in the following.
- (1)
- Advanced Language Features including Concurrency and
Distribution. The existing framework of PA is mostly restricted
to basic sequential programming, and lacks a systematic methodology
to analyse advanced features found in object-oriented programs (such
as inheritance and information hiding) and concurrent, distributed
programming. This is a basic limitation in the presence of advanced
programming practice omnipresent in today's software. The issue is
related to, and in fact reflects, the lack of semantic basis of
these advanced features, in comparison with those for basic
sequential computation.
- (2)
- Language Independence. In general, existing PAs are
strongly oriented towards specific languages and calculi (for
example, type-based analyses often use typed -calculi,
while traditional analyses use sequential imperative programs). This
makes it hard to adapt one technique developed for a specific
language/formalism to other languages. It also makes it difficult to
conceive PA technologies for emerging multi-language software. This
again reflects the fact that each semantic and logical theory is
tied to a particular class of language constructs, without a
unifying common basis.
These observations suggest that, while the foregoing development of PA
technologies has lead to a rich accumulation of theories and
techniques, we need a new unifying framework which can treat PAs for
diverse classes of programs' behaviours on a uniform basis. Such a
framework should be able to accommodate and extend existing methods,
allowing the general technology to be reflected onto concrete
programming languages and offering a common platform where one can
experiment with the integration and generalisation.
The development of such a general mathematical basis
for PAs and the demonstration of its effectiveness is the central concern
underlying this project. To achieve this goal, the project chooses a typed
version of the -calculus as a fundamental tool, intended
to play the role of UNICOL mentioned in the beginning.
Next: The Typed -Calculus and
Up: Background
Previous: Program Analysis
Igor Siveroni